There’s no denying, most women like to look good. We all love to complement our outfits with the newest trends in jewellery and accessories, the Louis Vuitton or Chanel handbag (if you can afford it) and a great pair of shoes – usually heels. I get it – heels make our legs look longer, our waists’ thinner and of course show off our calves. The can make us feel a million dollars as we walk out the door.
Off we go into the world and get complimented on our “killer pair of heels”. And yes it seems they were!
A few hours later, for many of us, the pain sets in. It doesn’t matter if we are at work or at a party, the residual pain can last for days. We put up with blisters, our toes being squashed in the front of the shoe, and let’s not forget the pain in the balls of our feet, even though we were promised those gel cushions would save us from the pain.
Then suddenly after a few years of wear, this “bump” comes up on the side of your big toe and it starts to hurt! It hurts all the time, but still the heels have to be worn. You start to see your toes clawing up and corns develop on top and then one day, out of the blue a sharp stabbing pain greets you as you take each step. It’s excruciating. But hang on, I can’t stop wearing my heels!
This is a scenario we see come through our clinic each week.
To keep it short and sweet – my advice for all my patients is to wear heels sparingly.
Yes they do contribute to the changes in your foot shape,
Yes they can contribute to tightened calves and
Yes they can send you down the surgery route.
Not many of us under 50 (lets remember 50 is the new 35) pull out a sensible shoes to make us feel great about ourselves. So here may be a few tips that can help improve our foot health:
a) Make sure the shoes worn are wide enough to comfortably fit all your toes without crowding them (try to avoid points).
b) Try to avoid stilletto heels on a daily basis. Look for a good base of support.
c) Only wear your heels when you absolutely have to! This means just to those important meetings or just for that event. You can keep them under your desk at work and wear other shoes during the day.
d) Wear a comfortable flat shoe on your way into work.
e) Consider a platformed sole to reduce the total heel height.
f) Consider a high heel orthotic to help distribute the weight of your foot more evenly (not a perfect solution, but better than nothing).
A few years ago I was interviewed for this newspaper article and as you can see my advice is still the same:
Hope this helps 🙂