Painful, Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, are splits in the skin around the heels and can also be in other areas on the bottom of the foot.

When we stand, our feet splay, therefore our skin has to stretch as well. If the skin is dry, has a lot of hard skin on the surface or is not flexible it can cause a crack and split. This can be very uncomfortable, painful, unsightly and, in some cases, can create an entry for infection.

Some causes of cracked heels include:

  •         Dry skin
  •         Not applying an emollient to the skin or not using the right cream
  •         Using soaps that dry the skin out
  •         Harsh weather conditions
  •         Wearing shoes with thin soles
  •         Ill-fitting footwear
  •         Walking barefoot or in open toed footwear such as thongs and sandals
  •         Standing for long periods
  •         Being overweight
  •         Circulation issues
  •         Genetics
  •         Diabetes

When should you get your cracked heels treated?

  •         If the cracks are open, red and look like they could get infected
  •         Painful
  •         Infected
  •         Not going away
  •         Causing you to feel self-conscious
  •         If you are going away to a warm/humid destination
  •         Wanting to improve your health
  •         If you believe you are about to get cracks in your heels


Don’t hesitate to book an appointment with one of our skilled podiatrists at Podiatry HQ. Our podiatrists will assess and address issues that are causing your heels to crack and make a suited treatment plan for you.

Regular podiatry treatments, the use of an emollient daily at home and the use of a pumice stone at home weekly will prevent and get rid of those nasty painful cracks.

Call us on 03 8645 9888 to book in for an assessment or smoothing heel treatment. You can also Book Online.




or Call us on 03 8645 9888


Melissa Biedak

Melissa Biedak


On Key

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