Preparing Your Feet For Oxfam

With the start of Oxfam upon us this weekend, it is important to make sure that your feet are ready for your 100km journey. In the lead up with your training you should have already trialed and tested numerous walking shoes that will be able to carry you through-out your journey to ensure you avoid […]

Ingrown Toenails, How Do You Prevent Them?

Ingrown toenails are very frustrating, can be very sore and in some cases can get infected and need medical attention. They may even require a dose of antibiotics. Here are a few tips to prevent ingrown toenails. 1. Cut your nails straight across, do not cut them with a curve. 2. Do not pick at […]

Why You Should Apply Cream To Your Feet Daily

Applying cream to your feet is important as your feet can get dry from wearing open shoes, different weather conditions, or you might just be more susceptible to dry skin. Having dry skin can make other issues arise. These issues can include cracked heels, itchiness, irritation and can also make you more susceptible to tinea […]

When Do You Need To Replace Your Shoes?

Imagine This Scenario You have just started to train for a marathon. Your first few months of training have been going quite well up until last night when you started to experience pain in your feet and knees. You have never experienced an injury before this first occurrence, which makes you wonder, why now? You […]

How Do Compression Stockings Help On Long Plane Trips?

As it is starting to get cold here in Melbourne, a lot of people are deciding to travel to the other side of the world to escape the cold weather. This means sitting on a plane for a longer period of time, and this can cause a few things to occur. The blood vessels in […]

The Best Ways to Avoid Blisters

Have you have been suffering from blisters for years while running and just can’t work out why you continue to develop blisters on your feet? Before we can work out the best ways to avoid blisters occurring we need to understand what blisters are and why they occur.   A blister is a fluid filled […]

Why Your Toe Nails Should Be Cut Straight?

Are you cutting your toe nails on a curve and getting ingrown toe nails or sore toes? Or do you not know how to cut your toe nails correctly? Here are a few reasons why you should cut your nails straight;     Prevention of ingrown toe nails     Avoids nail spikes being left on the sides of […]

7 Ways To Avoid Smelly Feet

Do you ever notice that your feet become sweaty and smelly especially in summer or after playing sports? Due to your feet having the largest amount of sweat glands in the body it’s no wonder that your feet smell. Your sweat glands release moisture, which over time becomes a warm environment that often leads to […]

Does Nail Polish Affect My Toe Nails?

Nail polished toes look great but is nail polish really good for your nails and your health? Nail polish can affect the nails in a few ways these include; Discolouration of nails, turns the nails yellow when left on too long. Doesn’t allow the nail to breath, which can cause a breeding ground for bacteria. […]

How To Care For Your Feet In A Daily Routine

It is important to care for your feet, and getting into a routine is the best way. Here are a few tips to help care for your feet daily: ​Wash your feet daily Dry your feet thoroughly – especially between the toes Apply an emollient to your feet daily but not between the toes Check […]