Why You Should Avoid Thongs This Summer!

With all the crazy weather past us, it seems like sunny days are ahead! Before you slip on those flip flops and head to the beach, have a look at our top 5 reasons why you should seek an alternative shoe to thongs this summer!

1. Hammertoes
Flip flops have no real fastening mechanism. When you walk in thongs, your toes are constantly trying to clench onto the shoes for support. Without laces or Velcro straps to hug the foot in, your toes need to work extra hard to keep the shoe in place. This overtime can create toe deformities like hammertoes.

2. Exposure to fungal, viral and bacterial infections
As the majority of your foot is exposed to the environment, you are at risk of developing conditions such as Athletes foot and warts. This becomes more of an issue if you have open wounds or micro-wounds from exfoliation and shaving.

3. Blisters!
Think hot weather, sweaty, swollen feet mixed with tough plastic. It’s almost like you’re asking for blisters. Once the blister forms and pops overtime, this creates an open sore for bacteria and other pathogens to invade the body.

4. Unsightly bunions
Your toes are under tremendous pressure to keep your thongs in place and this process can aggravate and further worsen your bunions overtime.

5. Dry, cracked heels

With more surface area exposed to the environment, it’s more likely your skin will dry out and crack. This can become an issue again as it creates a portal of entry for bacteria, fungi and viruses.
This doesn’t mean that a pair of runners or closed lace up shoes are the only options for you and your children with the warmer days ahead, just be mindful about the amount of time spent in thongs or open toed sandals. Be sure to always keep you and your children’s feet in check to avoid problems in the future.
If you are wishing to get some advice on footwear for you or any foot related issues, don’t hesitate to visit us at Medical Pedicure. Our friendly staff are waiting to take your call on 8645 9888 or make your appointment online here.

Image References:
Beauty Heaven Coloured Flip Flops
Diseases Pictures – Hammer Toe


or Call us on 03 8645 9888


Melissa Biedak

Melissa Biedak


On Key

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