What Can Keryflex Do For You?

Do you have a nail that doesn’t grow very well, is short and doesn’t look like a normal nail or do you have a fungal nail that isn’t looking nice and is brittle and discoloured?

Keryflex is an option to patients at our clinic who have damaged nails due to trauma that don’t grow well or fungal nails that are short, or discoloured and cause a bit of grief when wearing open toed shoes.

During your appointment the nail is cleared and cut and the keryflex is applied. There is an instant change with one keryflex application during an appointment.

Keryflex can help with the improvement of the nail appearance or help with nail growth in some cases. ​

Results may vary, but it is a great option for those wanting to get their toes out this summer and and want help with insecurity about what their toenails look like.

Keryflex is a safe option, it is instant, durable and allows the real nail under the keryflex to grow. It is not a long term solution and will need to be replaced depending on the activities you are participating in, the footwear you wear, and the rate of growth of your nail.

If you want to get your feet in open toed shoes this summer, book in for an appointment to get your toe nails assessed and see if keryflex is the right treatment for you.


or Call us on 03 8645 9888


Melissa Biedak

Melissa Biedak


On Key

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