Homemade Moisturising Lotion fit for pregnant feet

Since becoming a mum 10 months ago, I’ve really started to reconsider the types of chemicals I use and come into contact every day.

Throughout my pregnancy I found that my feet started to become quite dry.  They’d never been dry before, and I was concerned with the chemical component in some of the creams we used in clinic.  Many of these creams in very small writing said “do not use if pregnant”.

In my clinical experience, I had many, many pregnant women coming into the clinic with dry and cracked feet – and I did not want to suffer as they had.  Considering which cream to prescribe was often difficult and expensive.

I really noticed the dryness starting around the 4 month mark and started to do some research on the topic and after learning the way in which the following household ingredients interacted, I came up with the following recipe:


½ cup Olive oil

¼ cup Coconut oil

¼ cup Beeswax

5 drops Peppermint essential oil

2 tablespoons shea butter

  • To make it, I first infused the peppermint essential oil into the olive oil in an old glass pickle jar (which I steam sterilized earlier).  I then added the remained of the ingredients.


  • I filled a medium saucepan 1/3 full with water, put the glass jar in and placed over a medium heat.  Rested the lid of the glass jar on top.


  • As the ingredients melted, I used a spoon to incorporate them by stirring occasionally.  Once all the ingredients melted and incorporated, I used a heat safe glove and removed off the stove and gave it a shake after ensuring the lid was on properly.


  • I poured it into a small heatproof plastic container to cool overnight and then started using it in the morning.

The best bit about this cream is that it was so versatile and cheap to make!

With regular podiatry treatment and application of this cream I was able to keep my feet in good condition throughout my pregnancy without any unknown side effects of more chemically based creams.

I found this cream too thick to be used in a pump pack, so I left it in a plastic container.

The cream has about a 6 month shelf life.

Please do not use if you have allergies to these ingredients!

Cheers, Melissa


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Melissa Biedak

Melissa Biedak


On Key

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